Train trouble: waiting for the next victim 😝

Train trouble: waiting for the next victim 😝

Train trouble: waiting for the next victim ?

Train trouble: waiting for the next victim ?

Office trouble: here to hypnotise you today πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

Office trouble: here to hypnotise you today πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

Office trouble: here to hypnotise you today ?‍?

Office trouble: here to hypnotise you today ?‍?

Office trouble: is anyone available to keep my company during the coffee break..

Office trouble: is anyone available to keep my company during the coffee break..

Office trouble: is anyone available to keep my company during the coffee break..

Office trouble: is anyone available to keep my company during the coffee break..

Office trouble: what kind of nylons do you think I am wearing under my pencil skirt? πŸ˜‰

Office trouble: what kind of nylons do you think I am wearing under my pencil skirt? πŸ˜‰

Office trouble: what kind of nylons do you think I am wearing under my pencil skirt? ?

Office trouble: what kind of nylons do you think I am wearing under my pencil skirt? ?

Office trouble (weekend version): enjoying my Wolford Neon 40πŸ˜‰

Office trouble (weekend version): enjoying my Wolford Neon 40πŸ˜‰

Office trouble (weekend version): enjoying my Wolford Neon 40?

Office trouble (weekend version): enjoying my Wolford Neon 40?

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